Nunsense - A Musical

Season: 2024 - 2025 Main Stage Season

Author: Dan Goggin

Director: Ruth Miller Hasty

Genre: Musical Comedy

Location: Winder Cultural Arts Center


"Nunsense" is a hilarious musical spoof about the misadventures of five nuns trying to manage a fundraiser. Sadly, the rest of the sisterhood died from botulism after eating bad vichyssoise prepared by Sister Julia - Child of God.

Show Dates

  • October 11, 2024 7:30 pm
  • October 12, 2024 7:30 pm
  • October 13, 2024 3:00 pm
  • October 18, 2024 7:30 pm
  • October 19, 2024 7:30 pm
  • October 20, 2024 3:00 pm

Audition Dates

  • August 18, 2024 6:30 pm
  • August 19, 2024 6:30 pm

Audition Details

Auditions will be held at the Winder Cultural Arts Center. Please bring a current photo, your calendar, and a 30 second prepared song in the style of the show. You will need to bring your own backup track. There will also be cold readings from the script.

Thursday, August 22nd at 6:30 will be for call backs.

Please see the information below concerning each character and the vocal range required.

Sister Mary Regina-Mother Superior-(50+) Mezzo Soprano Vocal Range (B3-F5) Vocal Technique: Belting Dancing: A Mover. Sister Mary Regina is the Mother Superior of the convent and is in charge of all of the nuns at the Little Sisters of Hoboken. While she keeps her guard up in front of her fellow sisters, Reverend Mother has an extroverted side. She longs for the spotlight and is often a scene-stealer. This character requires physical comedy and good comedic timing. She has an Irish accent and must have a strong mezzo-soprano belt.

Sister Mary Hubert-Mistress of the Novices-(40+) Soprano Vocal Range (G3-F5) Vocal Technique: Belting, Gospel Dancing: A Mover. Sister Mary Hubert is the second in command at the convent. In charge of the novice nuns, but feels like she could be a Mother Superior. She is in constant competition with Sister Mary Regina. Sister Hubert always finds a way to be in charge and have her opinions heard. She likes to let loose and is always ready to help out her fellow sisters, providing a shoulder for them to lean on. This character requires a strong mezzo-soprano, gospel-style belt.

Sister Mary Amnesia-(30’s-40’s) Soprano Vocal Range (C#4/Db4- C6 Soprano C, High C) Vocal Technique: Belting, Operatic, Country Dancing: A Mover. Sister Mary Amnesia is the sweet, forgetful nun of the convent. A crucifix fell on her head, causing Sister Mary Amnesia to lose her memory, The only thing she can remember is that she is a nun. Sister Amnesia is spacey, incoherent, and often slips into displays that are unsuitable behavior for a nun. While she is very forgetful, Sister Amnesia always tries to help out her fellow Sisters. She has a sweet and optimistic demeanor. Sister Amnesia also has a puppet alter ego named Sister Mary Annette, so having strong puppetry skills is an asset for this character. This character must be able to sing in a variety of styles, including country, classical, and musical theatre belt. She must have a high soprano range and be able to belt in her lower register.

Sister Mary Leo-(20’s-30’s) Soprano Vocal Range (G#3/Ab3-G5) Vocal Technique: Belting Dancing: A Dancer (with a ballet background). Sister Mary Leo is the youngest of all the nuns in the convent. She is a novice nun and is still struggling to come to terms with her decision to give up her old life. Sister Mary Leo is a ballerina and enjoys praying through dance. She shows off her dancing talents throughout the show. This character must have a strong mezzo-soprano belt and good dance abilities.

Sister Robert Anne-(30’s-40’s) Mezzo Soprano Vocal Range (G3-F5) Vocal Technique : Belting Dancing: A Mover. Sister Robert Anne is the former “bad girl” of the convent. She was a delinquent when she was growing up and is constantly challenging authority. Sister Robert Anne is a rough and tough nun with a thick Brooklyn accent. She lacks the refinement of her fellow sisters, but what she lacks in refinement, she makes up in street-smarts. She is constantly butting heads with Mother Superior, Reverend Mother Mary Regina. This character requires a strong mezzo-soprano belt.


Community Service Recipient

Barrow County Food Pantry

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